In this section, you will find the R code that we will use during the course. We will explain the code and output during correction of the exercises.
Starting to work with flow cytometry data in R - packages
One package that provides data structures and basic functions to deal with flow cytometry data is flowCore. flowCore allows to import data contained within a FCS file and store it in a flowFrame object. Data combined from several FCS files are imported and stored in a flowSet object.
Packages that provide functions for automatic quality control are flowAI and PeacoQC.
For visualization, the package ggcyto provides plotting functions as an interface to ggplot2 plots using flowFrame or flowSet objects. One example is the autoplot() function.
Another package available for visualization is flowViz, which includes the densityplot() function.
Let’s practice - 1
In this exercise we will use a 36-color spectral flow cytometry dataset from a study performed in the context of Covid-19 research. Only a subset from 5 healthy donors will be used. For each healthy donors, there are three time points, as indicated in the FCS file names. Data was downloaded through the Flow Repository database (FR-FCM-Z3WR). FCS files were pre-gated on live CD3+CD19- T cells in FlowJo.
Create a new script in which you will:
1) Import the FCS files (within course_datasets/FR_FCM_Z3WR/) into a flowSet. Do not transform or truncate the values.
2) Create a data frame with the list of channels and corresponding antigens, and view it. Hint: get the antigens from the parameters of one of the flowFrame in the set
3) Add a new column to the phenotypic data with the time point of the sample. View the phenotypic data
4) Convert the channel names in the expression matrices to the corresponding antigen names (where applicable).
5) Create a bivariate density plot showing «FSC-H» againts «HLA-DR» for all samples from day 0. Apply a flowJo inverse hyperbolic sine scale to the y axis («HLA-DR»)
# load libraries
# 1) Import the FCS files (course_datasets/FR_FCM_Z3WR/).
# Do not transform or truncate the values.
# path to the directory (folder) with the fcs files
fcs.dir<- file.path("course_datasets/FR_FCM_Z3WR/")
# read fcs files into a flowSet
fcs_data <- flowCore::read.flowSet(path = fcs.dir,
pattern = "*.fcs",
transformation = FALSE, truncate_max_range = FALSE)
# Explore the object:
#2) Create a data frame with the list of channels and corresponding antigens, and show it.
#Hint: get the antigens from the parameters of one of the flowFrame in the set
channels <- colnames(fcs_data)
antigen <- pData(parameters(fcs_data[[1]]))$desc
panel <- data.frame(channels = channels, antigen= antigen)
# show the panel
# write panel to csv file
write.csv(panel,file = "course_datasets/FR_FCM_Z3WR/panel.csv", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
#3) Add a new column to the phenotypic data with the time point of the sample
# check sample names
# [1] "0E1F8E_0.fcs" "0E1F8E_14.fcs" "0E1F8E_7.fcs" "180E1A_0.fcs" "180E1A_14.fcs" "180E1A_7.fcs"
# [7] "1A9B20_0.fcs" "1A9B20_14.fcs" "1A9B20_7.fcs" "61BBAD_0.fcs" "61BBAD_14.fcs" "61BBAD_7.fcs"
# [13] "61BBAD_0.fcs" "61BBAD_14.fcs" "61BBAD_7.fcs"
# add column with time point
pData(fcs_data)$time_point <- rep(c("D0","D14","D7"),5)
# show the phenotypic data
# save flowSet for next exercise
#4) Convert the channel names in the expression matrices to the corresponding
# antigen names (where applicable)
colnames(fcs_data)[!is.na(antigen)] <- antigen[!is.na(antigen)]
# check that the antigen name change was effective:
# 5) Create a bivariate density plot showing "FSC-H" against "HLA-DR" for all samples from day 0.
# Apply a flowJO inverse hyperbolic sine scale to the y axis ("HLA-DR")
# split by time point
fcs_data.split <- split(fcs_data, pData(fcs_data)$time_point)
class(fcs_data.split) # list
class(fcs_data.split$D0) # flowSet
# create the bivariate density plot
ggcyto::autoplot(fcs_data.split$D0, x="FSC-H",y="HLA-DR", bins = 64) +
ggcyto::scale_x_flowjo_biexp() +
# FSC-H = forward scatter height
# FSC-A = forward scatter area
# SSC-H = side scatter height
# SSC-A = side scatter area
Let’s practice - 2
We will use the flowSet created in the previous exercise, and transform the data using two sets of cofactors: fixed and estimated using a function from the flowVS package.
Create a new script in which you will:
1) Load the flowSet object saved at the end of the previous exercise.
2) Read the «course_datasets/FR_FCM_Z3WR/panel.csv» file into a data frame. The last column contains the marker classes («none», «type» or «state»).
3) Downsample the flowSet to 2’000 cells per flowFrame (you can find the downsampling function in the «course_datasets/function_for_downsampling_flowSets.R» file).
4) Transform the «type» and «state» markers using both Logicle (hints: use the downsampled flowSet for parameter estimation; start with default parameters, and adjust if needed) and arcsinh transformations (fixed cofactors of 3000).
5) Compare the transformation in the first flowFrame using density plots.
# load the libraries
# 1) load the flowSet object from previous exercise
# 2) Add marker_class to panel
# load panel from previous exercise
panel <- read.csv("course_datasets/FR_FCM_Z3WR/panel.csv")
# Set the marker classes
panel$marker_class <- rep("none", nrow(panel))
panel$marker_class[c(7:10,11:15,17:18,20,21,23:29,31:36,38,41,42)] <- "state"
panel$marker_class[c(16,19,22,37,39,40)] <- "type"
panel$marker_class <- factor(panel$marker_class,levels = c("type","state","none"))
# write new panel to csv file
write.csv(panel,file = "course_datasets/FR_FCM_Z3WR/panel_with_marker_classes.csv", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
# View the panel
#3) Downsample the flowSet to 2'000 cells per flowFrame for parameter estimation
# load the function for downsampling a flowset
# downsample to 2000 cells
fcs_data_small <- Downsampling_flowSet(x = fcs_data, samplesize = 2000)
#4) Transform using Logicle and Arcsinh transformation (fixed cofactors)
# select markers to be transformed
markerstotransform <- panel$channels[panel$marker_class!="none"]
# transform with Logicle
fcs_list <- list()
for(i in 1:length(fcs_data)){
algcl <- estimateLogicle(fcs_data_small[[i]],
channels = markerstotransform, m=6, t=4E6)
fcs_list[[i]] <- transform(fcs_data[[i]], algcl)
fcs_transform_logicle <- as(fcs_list, "flowSet")
sampleNames(fcs_transform_logicle) <- sampleNames(fcs_data)
pData(fcs_transform_logicle) <- pData(fcs_data)
# transform with fixed cofactors
fcs_transform_arcsinh <- transFlowVS(fcs_data,
channels = markerstotransform,
rep(3000, length(markerstotransform)))
sampleNames(fcs_transform_arcsinh) <- sampleNames(fcs_data)
pData(fcs_transform_arcsinh) <- pData(fcs_data)
# 5) Density plots
densityplot( ~ ., fcs_transform_logicle[[1]]) # worst
densityplot( ~ ., fcs_transform_arcsinh[[1]]) # worst
# save
save(fcs_transform_logicle, markerstotransform,file = "course_datasets/FR_FCM_Z3WR/fcs_transform_logicle.RData")
Let’s practice - 3
We will continue with the Logicle transformed flowSet created in the last exercise, and apply the flowAI quality control algorithm to remove low quality cells.
Create a new script in which you will:
1) Load the flowSet object from exercice 2 («/course_datasets/FR_FCM_Z3WR/fcs_transform_logicle.RData»).
2) Run the flowAI quality control algorithm. Set the output directory to «course_datasets/FR_FCM_Z3WR/flowAI_res».
3) Load the «Qcmini.txt» report created by flowAI and view it.
4) Check the html report for sample 1A9B20_0. What happened ?
# load libraries
# 1) load the flowSet object from previous exercise and
# 2) Run the flowAI quality control algorith.
# Output the results to a"course_datasets/FR_FCM_Z3WR/flowAI_res/"
fcs_clean <- flow_auto_qc(fcs_transform_logicle,
folder_results = "course_datasets/FR_FCM_Z3WR/flowAI_res/")
# save clean flowSet
save(fcs_clean, file = "course_datasets/FR_FCM_Z3WR/fcs_clean.RData")
# 3) Load and view the report created by flowAI
# load
QCmini <- read.delim("course_datasets/FR_FCM_Z3WR/flowAI_res/QCmini.txt")
# change the names of the columns
names(QCmini) <- gsub("X..","% ", names(QCmini))
# View
End of Day 1, good job!